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Family Valentine’s Extravaganza: 13th February

This coming Thursday is a time for you to join us for our Valentine’s Extravaganza from 4pm to 5.30pm in St John’s. There will be Fun, Games, Craft, a Short talk and Food

This is a free event for families with primary aged children and toddlers (siblings are welcome) All children to be accompanied by an adult thought the event.

Sign up Here or by scanning the QR code below

Accessibility and Hearing Loop

Our hearing Loop is always on, it has good coverage in the church apart from near the walls or the front few rows

We really want all our services to be accessible to all, including someone signing a hymn during most services.

If anyone has other suggestions or needs please speak to one of the Accessibility Team – Julia Lincoln, Cindy Barraclough, Julie Wilman or Lyn Spall.


The Suffolk Coastal Debt Service is looking to employ

The Suffolk Coastal Debt Service is looking to employ, on a part time paid basis, a Schools Money Course Coordinator to promote and deliver the CAP (Christians Against Poverty) Schools Money Course in schools across the SCDC region
(postcode areas IP12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and NR34).
It would suit someone with experience in teaching or working with primary aged children.
For further information email