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10:30am children’s groups

We have groups for children aged from 0-11 at our main 10:30am service on Sunday morning

Creche ages 0-4

This is a group for babies and toddlers and their parents/carers where you can hear the service while the little ones enjoy free play. There are worship songs, a bible story and sometimes a simple craft.

Kingdom Kids ages 4-10

A group for primary aged children in the Old Vicarage building (beginning in the main church). We play games, have a time singing worship songs, Bible teaching and discussion and we have fun making crafts relevant to the theme.

These groups run each Sunday, except for the first Sunday of the month when all ages are together in church.

Little Gems

Little Gems St John’s Toddlers and Babies 9:30-11:30 term time Tuesdays

A place for parents and carers to chat over coffee and biscuits, with toast for the children. The children play, hear a short story and have a singing time; in St John’s church for all pre-school children and their parents/carers.

Special Family Events

Each term we run special family events such as the Light Party, a Big Top Circus Skills Day or the Big Family Day Out

These events are for all of the family, with a special emphasis on primary aged children.

Extravaganza Free family events for an afternoon each half term for primary school aged children and their parents/carers

A fun party-like afternoon where games are played, craft skills are practised, food is enjoyed and God is at the centre.


As well as taking assemblies each week in local schools, we host school events each term such as Experience Christmas for KS1, Experience Easter for KS2 and the Life Exhibition for Upper KS2. For more information please get in touch.