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Supported Missions

The Bible Society has been working for 200 years to help people around the world engage with, relate to, and make sense of the Bible.  It is translating and distributing Bibles around the world so people can experience the Bible in their heart language, and in the UK working across society to help adults and children recognise the value of the Bible. Please contact Diana Evans for more information.

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a national debt counselling charity with a network of CAP Debt Help Centres centres based in local churches. Our local Centre is run in partnership with St John’s church, Saxmundham. CAP offers hope and a solution to people in debt through its top quality, in-depth service. Please contact Sue Simpson for more information. 

CPAS enables churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ, by equipping churches for evangelism through developing effective leadership. 

Cry in the Dark provide care for orphans and sick children in Romania. Our Youth group have served Cry in the Dark in Romania for several years. Please contact Richard Bolt for more information. 

Good News for Everyone (formerly GideonsUK) works with churches to share our faith and distribute free Bibles and portions of scripture to e.g. hotels, hospitals, prisons, schools, colleges, universities, care homes and medical centres. Free Bible distribution, including badged Testaments to uniformed organisations, has become a key way to help others discover the truth and hope of God for themselves. It also works with ShareWord Global to distribute God’s Word around the world. Please contact Diana Evans for more information

Open Doors works in over 60 countries, supplying Bibles, training church leaders, providing practical support and emergency relief, and supporting Christians who suffer for their faith. Please contact Michael Lyons for more information.

The Prison Fellowship aims to show Christ’s love to prisoners by coming alongside them and supporting them. It seeks through prayer and practical care to help, support and develop a Christian ministry to prisoners and their families. Please contact Sue Guard for more information. Find out about other ways St John’s provides & supports prison ministry in the local area on the Prison Ministry page.

The Salvation Army has been fighting against social inequality and transforming lives for over 150 years. Its Anti-trafficking and Modern Slavery team provide specialist support programme to preserve the dignity of survivors, protect and care for them in safe accommodation, and provide access to confidential client-based support services. Please contact Rae Beeson for information on human trafficking.

Tearfund is a UK Christian relief and development agency. It currently works in around 50 countries, with a primary focus on supporting those in poverty and providing disaster relief for disadvantaged communities. Please contact Sue Simpson for more information

Just 42 is our local mission partner. Based in Woodbridge and the surrounding area they receive significant input from St John’s church members. You can find out more about Just42 on their website. Our link person is Mike Simpson.