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Life Exhibition at St John’s

We are running the Life Exhibition at St John’s for children in Years 5 and 6 from the local schools from Monday 24th to Friday 28th June. This is a multi-media event, using interactive tablets, graphic panels, quizzes, films, songs and a discussion café. The children will learn what Christians believe about Jesus and they will be encouraged to question, challenge and form their own opinions on who Jesus is.

We still need more people to join the team – can you help at any or all of the following times?

  1. Friday 28th June – to be part of the team running the Life Exhibition at 10.15-11.30 and 13.15-14.30
  2. To help with the set-up on Sunday 23rd June at 2.30pm
  3. To help with the dismantling on Friday 28th June at 3pm

Please could you let Kate know at as soon as possible if you are able to help with any of these times.

This will be a wonderful outreach event to children in the local area, who will leave the workshop having learnt a lot about who Jesus is. Please also be praying for this event and particularly for the children who will attend it.

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