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Discerning Spiritual Gifts Course

During Lent, we are going have a ‘whole church focus’ on Sundays and midweeks spending time looking at our spiritual gifts.

The aim of the course is to help us discover our spiritual gifts, personal style and God-given passion for serving in the body of Christ as well as exploring the more supernatural spiritual gifts. It is often when we gather with others, that they see gifts in us that we had not recognised, that our gifts have changed in our current stage of life, or we learn that we have gifts that we had not previously known we had. We will all have something to both give and receive.

For the six weeks of Lent, we are asking everyone who ‘belongs’ to St John’s to gather together, whether or not you are currently in a Life Group.

Those in Life Groups are asked to come together and meet centrally in the church building over the course of four weeks with the teaching being presented and repeated on three occasions each week: Tuesday afternoons (2.30pm – 4.15pm), Wednesday evenings (7.30pm – 9.15pm), and Thursday mornings (10.00am – 11.45am).

Each session will include interactive teaching and run for just over an hour and a half with opportunities to reflect between sessions:

Ash Wednesday Holy Communion and prayer meetings: Wednesday 5th March

Session 1: Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th March

Session 2: Tuesday 18th, Wednesday 19th , and Thursday 20th March

Session 3: Tuesday 25th , Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th March

Wednesday 2nd April: Prayer Meeting

Session 4: Tuesday 8th , Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th April

Our Sunday sermons during Lent will also reflect on spiritual gifts but will not be a presentation or repeat of the course.

Each person attending will need to have their own individual copy of the course participants guide (incorporating different gifts assessments, exercises that need to be completed as well as other resources) and which is a valuable resource after the course.

We will order a stock of the participants guides, which if ordered in advance should be at the specially reduced price of £7.50 (normal price £10+ on Amazon). These need to be order by Friday 24th January. The best way to order a book is through the website via this link

We do not want anyone to be unable to attend due to cost so please speak to Charles, Lyn or Bob as help is available.

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